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Maintenance points of automatic die cutting machine

  Fully automatic flat die-cutting machine has been widely used in the packaging industry, but there are few information about its maintenance. Now I will talk about my experience based on my practical experience.
  1. To prevent dust and clean
The die-cutting machine produces a large amount of waste paper edges and paper lint during work. If you don’t pay attention, it will stray into the chain drive part, the die-cutting part moving platform and some rotating and moving parts, and block the photoelectric detection head, etc., which will cause malfunction. The cleaning of the cutting machine's body must be given top priority.
  2. Oil, come on
  Die-cutting machine must have good lubrication and cooling when working at high speed (6000 sheets/hour). Be sure to choose high-quality engine oil (such as shellOmara100) to protect the main transmission part of the die-cutting machine. In addition, there is an intermittent mechanism box (intermittent mechanism of ternary cams) on the transmission side of the machine, and the oil used here should be more viscous (such as shellOmara220). After the new machine starts to run, the main transmission parts and the intermediate mechanism box should be replaced after 3 months, and then it should be replaced once a year. The oil used in other parts is the same as the general printing press, so I won't talk about it here.
  3. See troubleshooting
  1) Mechanical failure: Fully automatic flat-bed die-cutting machine often has the problem of tilting of the moving platform, mostly caused by foreign matter falling into the die-cutting place. Generally, report the position of the wedge block under the moving shaft first, and at the same time rotate the moving platform to the upper limit point, monitor its relative position with the upper static platform, and ensure that the four corners of the platform and the upper static platform (where the die-cutting blade is clamped) Equidistant between them, so that the problem can be solved.
2) Electrical failure: Because the center control of the automatic die-cutting machine is controlled by PLC, the main detection points, electrical switches and output actions are all commanded by the PLC, and the internal program is a ladder logic diagram, so when there is a problem in the electrical aspect, The maintenance personnel must first understand the ladder logic diagram, and then it is simple to find the cause of the failure.
Maintenance points of automatic die-cutting machine

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